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live, study and work in Barcelona

How to become a TEFL teacher in Barcelona

Most of us already know that Barcelona is a Mecca for TEFL teachers. But does teaching English as a foreign language here really pay-off? For those thinking about taking the leap, Fran Austin presents a step-by-step guide to becoming a TEFL teacher in Barcelona.

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TEFL in Kathmandu, Nepal

Adventures on the Indian Subcontinent By Miriam Vogler, Trinity Cert TESOL Barcelona graduate, February 2012  Why do we teach EFL and travel? A question with

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Australia Graduate Comment

G’day! Teaching Down Under by Christopher Lotinga When I came back to Australia with my Oxford House Trinity Cert TESOL back in 2004 I had a

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Costa Rica Graduate Comment

By Carrie Torres I have been teaching in Costa Rica since September, 2009. Prior to that, I was teaching in Barcelona for two years. As you can

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South Korea, Jeju-do

Jeju Island, South Korea – Luke Brazell, August 2009 Hi. My name is Luke Brazell. I’ve been living in South Korea on Jeju Island for 6

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