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Breaking News: Oxford TEFL’s new location is Trinity “first ever”

After months of planning and preparation, the momentous day has finally arrived. There’s a buzz of excitement in the air. Is Duncan’s band releasing a new CD? No, although I have heard a rumour that there’s one in the pipeline
No, the excitement is because Oxford TEFL has just launched its first Trinity-accredited Cert TESOL course outside Europe. We already run these courses in Barcelona, Prague, London and Cadiz; where else could rank alongside these world-class cities (and, well, a very pretty seaside town)? Drumroll, please…
Oxford TEFL has just become the first ever Trinity provider in India!
Kerala, India, to be precise.

Women on campus
India is a huge and growing market for English teaching. Although English is an official language in the country, many Indians and immigrants to the country are looking to improve their English skills in order to access international jobs. Our course will attract a mix of local Indian participants and aspiring TEFLers from around the world. Whether you decide to stay in the region to work* or move to a new location after the course, the experience is bound to be a rich and interesting one. The De Paul Centre, where our course takes place, is a very comfortable newly built school, with modern facilities (including, you will be pleased to hear, air conditioning throughout!). It’s a fully functioning language school as well as a training centre, so you will have plenty of opportunity to meet a range of students of all ages. And, as with all our courses in all our locations, our team will be on hand to help out with great value local accommodation, getting the required visas, and finding a job that suits you.
So, if you fancy an adventurous start to your TEFL career (or know someone else who might), check out the following links.

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