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USA – Location information and Links

For better assessment, take a look at our careers sevice at oxfordtefl.com/careers-service

America jobs websites

Here are some useful links for finding jobs in America. There are job search sites and teaching organisations.  One way to find work in a particular destination is to search as if you were a student and then contact schools directly enclosing your CV.


This is an organization of TESOL and you can find links to schools and organization in destinations all over North America


This is an international job search site with jobs advertised in North America.


This is an organisation that teaches English and you can contact them to see if they need teachers even if not advertising.


This is an international job search site and has some jobs in north America

New York

Check out NYs own tesol page:





ESL Employment:



Los Angeles

List of schools:



Might be helpful:



Graduate Comment 

Hello  Oxford – this is Melissa and I am in Buffalo, New York.

As noted below – some students have questions about applying to community colleges and language schools upon return to the USA.   I currently teach TESOL at the English Language Institute at the University at Buffalo.

How did I get the job?  I just simply applied.   I returned to the States last year around this time.   I sent in my cover letter and resume to the Institute.

I made sure to highlight my overseas experience – 1. Completion of Oxford/Trinity course to teach TESOL and my year of teaching ESL in Barcelona.    I also mentioned the study abroad programs I completed.   In your cover letter – be sure to stress/highlight your travel experiences, cultural sensitivity and your teaching experience.

It turned out that the Institute was looking for an ESL Instructor – and I was hired.  So my advice is – just send out your cover letter and resume.  After a few days – call the contact person to see if they received it – then ask if “any action has been taken on my cover letter and resume”.  This question almost “forces them” to take a look at your paperwork. Good luck!  If anyone has any questions, I am here to help.

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