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A book for EFL teachers by Duncan Foord and Daniel Barber

Our very own Duncan Foord, director of Oxford TEFL, has written another book!  From English Teacher to Learner Coach is for all trypes of English class and promises to give your teaching a coaching twist! How?

This book is for EFL teachers who want successful students, not just successful lessons.

More than ever before, English learners have the tools and opportunities to practise and become competent English users, but they will need support and guidance to make the most of them. In other words, they need a coach.

This book helps you to give your teaching a coaching twist, which in turn helps your students practise more outside class and get more out of what they do in class with you.

The book has two parts:

1. A guide for teachers which includes:

  • a clear rationale for a coaching approach
  • ways to give your teaching a coaching twist
  • coaching activities you can use in your lessons
English teacher to learner coach
Teacher book: Give your teaching a coaching twist with this book!

2. A student book with 39 activities. This includes:

  • activities to help students get motivated
  • activities to help students get organised
  • activities to help your students practise English outside class on their own or with fellow students.
English teacher to learner coach- student book
Student book with 39 activities

Get your hands on a copy for your Kindle on Amazon. You can even get free lesson plans from the book here.

If you are interested in learning some practical activities for professional development, or perhaps you are thinking about taking the Trinity Dip. TESOL course or you can check out Duncan’s other book The Developing Teacher. Thanks Duncan and Daniel!

“This is just what I was looking for. I had a feeling I needed to change my teaching but couldn’t think of how exactly, this book has provided a clear focus for my future teaching, and is full of ideas. Thank you” – Miss Abigail Fulbrook

 Also from Duncan Foord:

Meet the author

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