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Learn more about the Trinity DipTESOL: The TEFL Show Podcast


If you are thinking about taking a diploma course and you’d like to know more about the Trinity DipTESOL, listen to some of the latest podcasts from The TEFL Show. Join presenter Robert William McCaul as he interviews course director Nicola Meldrum and tutor Sinead Laffan, as well as two graduates, Austin Weaver and Keava O’Brien, as they delve deeper into some of the main elements and assessments of the course. 

Cambridge DELTA
Trinity DipTESOL course director, Nicola Meldrum.
Cambridge DELTA
Trinity DipTESOL course tutor, Sinead Laffan










These podcasts are useful for those already enrolled in the course and also for those who are thinking about taking the course. You can hear the opinions of both tutors and trainees of the course, offering you different perspectives and some useful tips.


Units 1 and 2

Units 3 and 4

Do you still have questions about the Trinity DipTESOL course? Read more about the course here or get in touch and we will be happy to answer your questions.

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