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Free teacher training workshops in Barcelona this November

If you are in Barcelona this November why not take advantage of our free teacher training workshops? Learn some practical tips from experienced teachers and trainers at Oxford TEFL in central Barcelona. Network with other teachers in and around the city, and take new ideas straight into your classrooms to impress your employer and students. This year, we have also included two workshops in Spanish (suitable for Spanish levels intermediate and above).

teacher training Barcelona

To sign up, simply email [email protected], specifying which workshops you would like to attend. We hope to see you there!

Friday November 4th (in Spanish)

11.00 – 11.50 Patricia Sánchez Donate, profesora de español Oxford House Barcelona

Título: Mapas mentales en el aula de idiomas. Un paso más en la pedagogía visual

Description: ¿Quieres estimular la creatividad de tus alumnos? ¿Y ayudarlos a multiplicar su capacidad de almacenamiento? ¿Buscas nuevas formas de enriquecer la planificación de tus clases? En este taller, inminentemente práctico, visualizaremos el funcionamiento del pensamiento irradiante y cómo aprovechar la arquitectura natural de nuestro cerebro a través de los mapas mentales, mientras exploramos sus aplicaciones prácticas en la enseñanza de lenguas.

12.10 – 13.00 Marisa de Prada, profesora de español y formadora

Título: Consejos prácticos para enseñar vocabulario

Description: ¿Cómo puede ayudarnos la práctica en el aula de las colocaciones léxicas para evitar que nuestros estudiantes apliquen transferencias léxicas erróneas de su L1 al L2?

¿Qué ejercicios debemos seleccionar o crear para que nuestros alumnos asimilen léxico nuevo de manera eficaz y a la vez divertida? Está claro que nuestros ejercicios siempre se verán condicionados por las características del grupo, pero vamos a dar unas pinceladas sobre las características que creemos deben tener los ejercicios léxicos para que sean efectivos y rentables.”

Friday November 11th (in English)

11.00-11.50 Marek Kiczkowiak, co-author The TEFL Show, blogger at TEFL Reflections, teacher trainer

Title: Teaching pronunciation: why ‘native speaker’ model isn’t necessarily the best choice

Description: It is commonly believed that students should strive to imitate ‘native speaker’ pronunciation as closely as possible. And this is reflected in both how we teach and how course books present pronunciation. However, in this workshop I’ll question the validity of this approach, and suggest an alternative, English as a Lingua Franca perspective.

Marek’s website

12.10-13.00 Taylor Grabowski, Oxford House teacher and young learners co-ordinator

Title: Tips and Tricks for Managing Very Young Learners

Description: Have you ever found yourself at a loss when trying to manage very young learners? In this workshop, you’ll learn practical, classroom-tested methods for common challenges faced by teachers of this age group and even have a bit of fun while you’re at it! Some of the techniques we’ll review can also be applied to Young Learners of all ages.

Friday November 18th (in English)

11.00-11.50 Billie Haase, Trinity CertTESOL and DipTESOL teacher trainer 

Title: The Cambridge Exam Class Booster

Description: Exam classes can be a stressful experience for students and teachers alike. Driven by the aim of passing the exam, creativity and fun can be lost. In this workshop I will introduce you to a variety of practical activities to inject new life into your FCE, CAE, CPE and IELTS classes in order to increase student motivation.

12.10-13.00 Duncan Foord, Oxford House Director

Title: Create your own personal development plan for 2017

Description: In this workshop you will consider some options for developing your teaching and your career next year and how best to put them into practice. You will not only make plans, there will also be some tips for sticking to them!

Friday November 25th (in English)

11.00-11.50 Barney Griffiths, Trinity DipTESOL teacher trainer 

Title: Integrating pronunciation into classroom activities

Description: Like all other areas of language teaching, pronunciation needs constant attention for it to have a lasting effect on students, which means integrating it into daily classroom procedures. This workshop provides ideas for addressing pronunciation issues regularly in class to focus learners’ attention on its importance and produce more positive outcomes.

12.10-13.00 David Donaldson, teacher trainer

Title: Looking at our lessons through the eyes of the learner

Description:  In this workshop we will change our perspective and look at a learning framework which encourages us to see our lessons thru the eyes of our students. If you believe that “learning shows us how to teach” come and see how “ECRIF” can help us plan and teach learning centered lessons.

To sign up, simply email [email protected], specifying which workshops you would like to attend. If you are not in Barcelona and you would like to develop your teaching skills, read more about our online teacher development courses here.






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