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How to get legal in the Czech Republic

Thinking about coming to Prague to take the CELTA, to study or work? If you are a non-EU citizen, you might need a visa.

The Czech Republic is part of the EU and the Schengen zone. In the table below, you can check what you need to provide in order to be legal in the Czech republic. If you need a visa, the process is pretty straight forward. Our visa agent Zlata is more than happy to help you with every step of the process.

For E.U citizens

To come and take the course: You don’t need a visa.

To stay in the Czech Republic after the course: You still don’t need a visa.

To work in the Czech Republic after the course: You will need a so called trading license (Zivno)

What do I need to bring from home? Just yourself.

For U.S.A citizens

To come and take the course: You don’t need a visa.

To stay in the Czech Republic after the course: You will have to apply for a visa.

To work in the Czech Republic after the course: You will need a so-called trading license (Zivno)

What do I need to bring from home? 

A letter from your bank indicating you have sufficient financial means, which is a minimum amount of 4500 USD for a 6 month valid initial visa. If you have more than that, your visa may be approved for a longer time period

For Canada citizens

To come and take the course: You don’t need a visa.

To stay in the Czech Republic after the course: You will have to apply for a visa

To work in the Czech Republic after the course: You will need a so called trading license (Zivno)

What do I need to bring from home? 

Apply for a youth mobility visa from home and be done with it! The agreement allows young Canadians to travel, study and work in the Czech Republic for up to one year. 

For Australia citizens

To come and take the course: You don’t need a visa.

To stay in the Czech Republic after the course: You will have to apply for a visa.

To work in the Czech Republic after the course: You will need a so called trading license (Zivno)

What do I need to bring from home? 

Bring an apostilled police clearance (background check). Please note: It shouldn’t be older than 3 months so best get it right before your departure.

For New Zealand citizens

To come and take the course: You don’t need a visa.

To stay in the Czech Republic after the course: You will have to apply for a visa.

To work in the Czech Republic after the course: You will need a so called trading license (Zivno)

What do I need to bring from home? 

Bring an apostilled police clearance (background check). Please note: It shouldn’t be older than 3 months so best get it right before your departure.

If you are from somewhere other than the above countries, please contact us for personalized information. Everything else we will take care of once you’re here. We have advised hundreds of people going through this process since we opened.

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