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Oxford TEFL has changed my English-teaching life 180 degrees

The Trinity DipTESOL demands the courage of a Himalayan climber, the stamina of a footballer and the patience of a chess player. But once you lift the DipTESOL trophy, all the injuries and pain you had to endure during the journey would vanish into thin air and take you to the realms of bliss.

The coaches at Oxford TEFL base camp make sure you are motivated all the time, and prepare you to weather the storm.

Tutors at Oxford TEFL know how to conquer the Peak. As many of them have hoisted their flags there well before. They know the way up. Their training and feedback makes the rough ride easy. Trust me; the view from the top is beautiful. It’s a journey worth taking!

Oxford TEFL has changed my English-teaching life 180 degrees. Thank you Oxford TEFL for helping me conquer the Trinity DipTESOL.

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