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I was really encouraged by my caring tutor

Oxford online TEFL Starter course has a variety of materials and portfolio tasks to train learners in three Modules. I took the 45-hour course to improve my teaching skills. Each module was designed to check teachers’ knowledge of ELT and language, and to develop teaching skills effectively at a good pace. Trainees are also asked to make a teaching plan. They can read updated articles, watch videos of experienced teachers’ lessons, and access helpful web sites of ELT for learning and research. Trainees can take three tutorials, which was excellent and really helpful. During the tutorials, I could always get a lot of good suggestions and learnt many eye-opening teaching techniques. I was really encouraged by my caring tutor. While I was working as a teacher, I could complete the course in six weeks. I would like to recommend the Oxford online TEFL Starter course to both teachers and teachers in the future.

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