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Advance your career with the Trinity DipTESOL course. Register for our free live seminar

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Advance your career with the Trinity DipTESOL course. Register for our free live seminar

free diptesol webinar

Register for our DipTESOL  free live seminar

Say hello to some of our new Dip trainees!


As part of the first study week on the Trinity Dip. TESOL course, our Diploma trainees are asked to post a video introduction to the Moodle, the online learning platform used to deliver course content, share ideas and participate on the forums. Here are three of the videos posted by our trainees. Welcome to the course!

Jo Greenwood

Jo has a background in theatre and is originally from Manchester, England. He now lives and works in Yongin, south of Seoul, in Korea. He teaches children English at a kindergarten and secondary school – and he loves it. This video was filmed on the rooftop of his apartment building, complete with panoramic views of the city. Find out why Jo is doing the Trinity Dip. TESOL by watching the video below.

Jenni Payne

Jenny is originally from Birmingham, England, and she is currently living in Busan, South Korea. She has been teaching for around 3 years, beginning in Germany, then Prague where she completed her Trinity Cert. TESOL course at Oxford TEFL. She is now living in Korea teaching elementary school children but will return to Prague to complete the face to face phase of the course this summer. She is really excited about starting the Trinity Dip. TESOL! Meet Jenny by watching the video below.

Scott Heald

Scott comes from South Carolina, in the U.S but is currently living in Brazil. He is a science teacher in a bi-lingual school where he also co-ordinates the computer science and an ESL program. He also teaches English at a language school where he works with teenagers and adult students. He will be returning to Prague, where he took his original TEFL course, next summer for the face to face phase of the Trinity Dip. TESOL course. Find out what Scott’s plans are after he has completed the course by watching the video below.

If you would like to find out more about our Trinity Dip. TESOL course click here or contact us.

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