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Train your team or fund your teacher development courses

Are you taking advantge of the funding available in your company?

Has there been any teacher training done in your company this year?

If not, why don’t you see if you could use your company’s training credit to train your team, take a teacher development course or gain the Trinity DipTESOL with Oxford TEFL?

We complete the paperwork, you just need to speak to your school and inform us of which course you would like to take.

The following information applies to Spanish companies only.

teaching English

Training credit from FUNDAE

All companies in Spain have a credit which they have received from the Fundación Estatal para la Formación en el Empleo (FUNDAE). The credit is calculated and renewed on a yearly basis. If it isn’t used within the calendar year, it is lost.

We can provide the exact training your team need and use this credit to fund it. We even complete the paperwork, so you don’t have to.

You can choose between fully online, blended or face to face training in your own centre or in Oxford TEFL (Barcelona). We will discuss with you which topics would be the most beneficial for you or your business goals. 

get funding with fundacion tripartita

La Fundación Estatal para la Formación en el Empleo (FUNDAE) is a Foundation of the Spanish State public sector in charge of promoting and coordinating the execution of public policies on Vocational Training, in the field of employment and labor relations.

Your Trinity DipTESOL course or others could be free!

training schools at oxford tefl

How much of the training course can be funded?

The amount of credit each company has depends on a number of factors, but all companies have a minimum amount of credit per employee. The amount which can be funded depends on a number of things:
  • Amount of credit available for your organisation
  • Cost of the training or course
  • Size of the company (how many employees)
  • Level of the training (if it is basic or advanced)

We will find out how much credit you have available and then you will be able to decide how you would like to use this credit to train your team

How can you start to take advantage of this funding?

  • Check with your accounting department or head of training at your company to find out whether you can use the credit available, or whether it’s already been used up with other training.
  • Complete the enquiry form that you’ll find on this page: Application: Training for Schools. We will get in contact with you to start the process within one working day.
  • Provide the basic information we need about your company so that we can let you know how much credit is available and arrange your training.
How to incorporate Decoding into your listening lessons

Start using your funding now. We complete the paperwork so you don't have to (only in Spain)

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Oxford TEFL -The School in Barcelona

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